chile - Una visión general

chile - Una visión general

Blog Article

The native flora of Chile consists of relatively fewer species compared to the flora of other South American countries. The northernmost coastal and central region is largely barren of vegetation, approaching the most absolute desert in the world.[100]

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En cuanto al agua potable y el servicio de alcantarillado destacan Aguas Andinas, propiedad del Asociación Agbar, sus filiales y la empresa municipal SMAPA que albarca a Maipú y alrededores. Metrogas es la encargada de la distribución de gas natural proveniente principalmente desde el sur de Argentina a través del gasoducto de GasAndes.

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Chile slowly started to expand its influence and to establish its borders. By the Tantauco Treaty, the archipelago of Chiloé was incorporated in 1826. The economy began to boom due to the discovery of silver ore in Chañarcillo, and the growing trade of the port of Valparaíso, which led to conflict over maritime supremacy in the Pacific with Peru.

By relinquishing power to a democratically elected successor, Ibáñez del Campo retained the respect of a large enough segment of the population to remain a viable politician for more than thirty years, in spite of the vague and shifting nature of his ideology. When constitutional rule was restored in 1932, a strong middle-class party, the Radicals, emerged.

Esta avenida se consagró como la arteria central de la ciudad gracias al crecimiento de diversos palacios pequeños construidos por la oligarquía beneficiada por el auge financiero derivado de la minería del cobre y el salitre. Muchas de las principales obras urbanas eran financiadas por aportes voluntarios de los vecinos ilustres, destacando obras como el Teatro Municipal, el Club Hípico o el coetáneo Parque O'Higgins, construido por el filántropo Luis Cousiño en 1873.[30]​

Each region was designated by a name and a Roman numeral assigned from north to south, except for the Santiago Metropolitan Region, which did not have a number.

The Chilean relief consists of the central depression, which crosses the country longitudinally, flanked by two mountain ranges that make up about 80% matriz de posicionamiento ejemplo of the territory: the Andes mountains to the east-natural border with Bolivia and Argentina in the region of Atacama and the Coastal Range west-minor height from the Andes. Chile's highest peak is the Nevado Luceros del Salado, at 6891.3 m, which is also the highest volcano in the world.

Much of the Chilean flora is distinct from that of neighboring Argentina, indicating that the Andean barrier existed during its formation.[101]

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